Large grassy expanses are an authentic habitat of the Great Bustard. The most favorable conditions for nesting are in the damp meadows. Great Bustard nests in agricultural crops as well, primarily wheat. Fields without grass cover or with low grass are not favorable for Great Bustard to nest, or high agricultural crops such as sunflower or corn.

Great Bustard in our region has the status of resident bird (retained throughout the year) and sometimes appears flying over the region during autumn and summer on the way from the breeding to wintering areas and vice versa. During mild winters, Great Bustard doesn't have an instinct for migration. If winter is severe, snow covers fields and there is no food available, Great Bustard leaves the nesting area and goes to areas that provide better conditions for survival during the winter.  Chances are small for successful wintering and return to the area where they nest.

Great Bustard is looking for food by slowly walking. The most intensive food collecting during summer is in the morning and evening and in the winter during all day. Nutrition is diverse, and depends of the age and season. Young initially feed exclusively on insects. Later, they lead up to herbal food, and at the end, they start eating grains. Adults eat mostly herbal food, grains and greens. Grains can be very diverse, from cultivated pants to weeds. Both young and aduls take water, and during the winter they eat snow. The rapeseed is the best crop for winter feeding.